Sunday, October 18, 2009

Medical Information on the Internet

Just saw a quick clip of a hockey player and his wife talking about her being diagnosed with cervical cancer. The story has a good ending but she did say that the one thing she wouldn't do and tells people struggling with the disease is NOT to read the internet.

As a healthcare professional I know how much health info is on the internet, credible and not, and I also know how many people come into my office with pages of internet information or a checklist of symptoms trying to self diagnose.

I think it is very important to be responsible for your own health and have a better understanding of how things (food, environment, medications, etc.) can affect your health. But I also know how intricate the body is and how every process in the body is connected and how many years of education it took to truly understand how to properly differentially diagnose pathologies. The most credible and scientific websites are not meant to be read by the average untrained person. The majority of information is to be read with a knowledge of physiology and pathophysiology to truly understand how disease happens and changes.

Anyway.... my point is .... if you are experiencing symptoms whether intense and /or frequently, go see your naturopathic doctor (or family medical doctor) to get and idea of what is going on so you are properly followed. Don't go in blind... have a few questions ready and expect answers and a plan. Keep asking questions of your healthcare professional until you are satisfied... but don't use the internet to self-diagnose. You wouldn't self-diagnose your car trouble right? You would take it to a mechanic and get it fixed properly.... take as much care with your health.

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