Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well it's been awhile since my last post. The Christmas holidays were filled with perogies and kapusta and beets as always and this year they were also filled with pain au chocolat and baguettes as Chris and I travelled to Paris for a little getaway.

Paris was beautiful. It really is one of the great cities of the world where you can fill your day with outings to museums and galleries but you can also just randomly walk around and soak in the Parisian way of life. Taking our time having breakfast (yes I had to have a cafe creme), walking through the streets stopping for a baguette, enjoying the lights on the Champs Elysses..... ahhhh Paris! As my friends and colleagues Andrea and Arnel reminded me, it's probably one of the only cities in the world that you can have as much wheat and dairy and wine and coffee and there are no consequences.

Nonetheless I am happy to be home, cooking in my kitchen, and seeing patients at Zawada Health. It's already been a busy few days back at work with many people wanting to start fresh in 2010 and make health a priority. If you have a chance, take a look at January's newsletter; it has a fresh new look and ZH has another naturopathic doctor starting on Thursdays - Claire Girgis.

Have a wonderful year filled with health and happiness!

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