Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sprained Ankle

Chris came home from basketball today with a sprained ankle. He emailed me asking for the arnica!

If there is one thing everyone needs around the house it's arnica. Arnica is a homeopathic remedy very specific for bumps, bruises, sprains. It's that first go-to remedy if someone hits their head, is in a car accident, sprains an ankle, or anything like this. It's great to speed up the healing of any inflammation... reducing the bruising and the swelling.

So first things first.... RICE .... rest, ice, compress, and elevate. So all afternoon Chris has been icing his ankle on and off, elevating it, taking arnica every 2 hours and tonight, while we watch the premiere of 24, I'll do some acupuncture and massage with traumeel. Traumeel is a cream that has a few different homeopathic remedies to help with inflammation, stiffness, and swelling.

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