Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Smart Meter

My husband Chris looooooooooooooves our new smart meter. I have a fear that one day soon he'll be looking at our account online and then all of a sudden I'm cooking in the dark in 16 degrees to save energy and money.

We got a notice 2 days ago that Toronto Hydro installed a smart meter at our house. Right away he went online to activate our account and immediately he was looking at our 'on-peak' and 'off-peak' energy usage. He states that there is a pattern - we are using a lot of energy on Fridays during the 'on-peak' hours..... hmmmmm....

Yes I am home on Fridays cleaning when I should be working on my cookbook and other projects. The lights are on, the computer is on, and the tv is on for background entertainment. Other than Fridays, we are great because we are never home! We work too much!! :(

Then I started looking at the flyer and the table of examples of prices. I was so surprised!

1 load in the dryer - off peak - costs 10 cents while peak time costs 20 cents
1 load in the washer (hot water) - off peak - costs 34 cents while peak time costs 73 cents
1 load in the washer (cold water) - off peak - costs 5 cents while peak time costs 10 cents
1 load in the dishwasher - off peak - costs 16 cents while peak time costs 33 cents

You also get a sticker with the package that you can put on the washer or dryer to remind you of when the off peak and peak times are. Chris says if I use something during peak hours he'll place the sticker on me! :)

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