Monday, June 4, 2012

Guest Blogger on Live Blood Cell Analysis

By Jessie Hawthorn, B.A, CNP, ROHP When I first learned about Live Blood Cell Analysis I was so intrigued. I knew it was something I wanted to incorporate into my nutritional practice. Viewing your own blood cells live during the appointment is fascinating! Being a visual learner myself, I really enjoy and appreciate the education it delivers for the client and the practitioner about the client’s health. I find that it also provides clients with a powerful motivational tool to make the correct changes needed to improve their health. Over a period of time positive changes can be seen in the blood and this gives the client a visual confirmation (and additional motivation) that their efforts have paid off. Your blood serves as a predictor of your health and provides an indication of illness well before symptoms appear, thus making live blood cell analysis an early detection tool. At times the blood may show many abnormalities, yet the patient feels terrific, therefore we are being forewarned by the blood to make some life changes before disease conditions occur. Some of these conditions include: vitamin and mineral deficiencies; toxicity; poor circulation and oxygenation; abnormal blood-clotting; abnormal liver function; arteriosclerosis; allergic reactions; abnormal immune system function; abnormalities related to hormonal imbalances; pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, parasites, fungi, yeast); acid/alkaline balance; and digestive enzyme and hydrochloric acid deficiencies. Clients need and want education regarding preventative health, something that I personally believe the current medical world is not providing. Live blood analysis is an amazing educational tool because it is an interactive process. The client and the practitioner are both viewing the live blood sample during the appointment. Analysis is provided immediately; there is no need to wait for lab results. For pricing and to book your appointment for Saturday June 16th with Jessie call Zawada Health at 905-804-1752.

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