Friday, September 5, 2008

School lunches - here we go again!

With the recent listeriosis outbreak in deli-meats, many parents are stressed over what to pack for the kids (or themselves!) for lunch.

The September newsletter includes 2 easy lunches - grilled veggie pinwheel sandwiches and chicken and pineapple skewers. Another thought includes making a bean spread for a wrap and adding some vegetables - you could put a cup of cooked adzuki beans/lentils/chickpeas in a blender with a 1/4 cup salsa, spread the mixture on a wrap and throw in some spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers, or whatever veggie mixture your kids will eat and roll it up for them!

You can always put together your own "lunchable" in a tupperware - a few pieces of grilled chicken from the night before, a small bunch of grapes, a few tablespoons of hummus or healthy dip, some celery/carrots/cucumbers and maybe a few rice crackers. A lunch doesn't have to be a salad. It just takes some time to think of or seek out other options and break out of the sandwich rut!

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