Friday, June 12, 2009

The Disappearing Male

This is so scary. As a healthcare practitioner that sees alot of patients as a last resort I'm never surprised in the health concerns I see from day to day. However the rate of infertility among couples, male and female, over the last couple of years that I have seen is staggering.

One of my best friend's and colleague, Anna, saw a documentary on CBC on the disappearing male last night and forwarded the link to me as we are both seeing this increase in practice. CBC did a great job in putting this story together on how a class of common household chemicals, called endocrine or hormone disrupters are changing sperm counts and male birth rates. It's something we as NDs are aware of when treating male infertility among all the other factors that can be part of the picture - poor nutrition, alcohol, sugar, and of course stress!

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