Sunday, May 6, 2012

Exciting Week Ahead at Zawada Health

Happy Naturopathic Medicine Week! Lots of exciting events at the clinic this week and I hope you will join us when you can! First up is Claire Girgis (ND) -- She will be doing a complimentary evening seminar (7-8 pm) tomorrow night (Monday) on 'Everything You Need to Know about Supplements'. She'll explore fish oils, multi-vitamins, and probiotics among others and explain important things to look for. Next is Tiffany Heikkila (ND) -- She will be doing a complimentary evening seminar (7-8 pm) on Tuesday night on 'Waist Management', where she talking about fad diets, boosting metabolism and weight loss. Finally the last of the evening seminar series will be me, Carol Morley (ND), on Wednesday night (7-8 pm) where I will explain the ins and outs of diabetes, natural ways to support and how to support while on medication and why. I will also repeat this seminar at noon at Whole Foods Square One on Friday. All of the evening seminars will take place in the reception area of Zawada Health and there is a limit of 15 people for each talk. Sign up by emailing or call the clinic at 905-804-1752. Tuesday May 8th is the big wellness info day at the clinic. I hope you will join us and some partners in the community for a fun-filled day that will provide a wealth of information. Every hour (11 am, noon, 1 pm, 2 pm, and 3 pm) there will be a 15 minute chat on a topic. Look to the May ZH newsletter for the line-up! ( ) Throughout the clinic there will also be tables of information set up so you can chat with people from the community.... sample some Vega protein smoothies, chat with the Whole Foods Square One body and skin care people, chat with Leona Zakaib from Norwex about healthy cleaning options, get your blood glucose and body fat checked by one of our NDs, and of course last but not least sample some tasty treats and tea! Have a wonderful week!